A chronology of the Tudor Church and Religion in the reign of Henry VIII
Please Note: This timeline is a work in progress
1510 (April)
Friendship with the Pope
The Pope sent Henry VIII a golden rose as an act of friendship.
25th March 1513
John Colet anti-war sermon
King Henry VIII attended a sermon preached by John Colet, Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral. Colet condemned ‘those Princes that preferred to follow Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar rather than following Jesus Christ in the promotion of peace.’ After the service Henry spoke to Colet stating that it was a bad idea to denounce war as evil when your king is about to invade France with the Pope’s blessing.
during 1514
Call for Church Reform
John Taylor, Procurator of Convocation, made a speech calling for reform. He voiced concerns that churchmen spent too much time quarrelling, that monks were too arrogant and idle and that priests led dissolute lives and committed crimes.
February 1514
Petition to make Wolsey a Cardinal
Henry VIII instructed papal emissary, Polydore Virgil, to request an audience with the Pope and to convey the King of England’s wish to see Thomas Wolsey promoted to Cardinal.
May 1514
English clergy to resist lay interference
Pope Leo X issued a decree stating that lay men had not jurisdiction over churchmen. He issued a Papal Bull directing English clergymen to resist lay interference in church affairs.
10th September 1515
Thomas Wolsey elected Cardinal
Thomas Wolsey was elected to the Cardinalate in Rome.
15th November 1515
The Cardinal’s Hat Arrived
The Papal ambassador, Worcester, arrived in London bearing the red cardinal’s hat for Thomas Wolsey. The hat was carried, in procession to Westminster Abbey and placed on the high altar where it would remain until the initiation ceremony.
18th November 1515
Wolsey Invested as Cardinal
Thomas Wolsey travelled in procession from York Place to Westminster Abbey where he was invested as Cardinal by William Warham.
31st October 1517
Reformation in Europe
Martin Luther, who strongly protested against with the practice of Papal indulgencies, famously nailed his 95 Thesis to the door of the church in Wittenberg beginning the Reformation in Europe. His followers became known as Protestants.
During 1518
Monastic Reform
Thomas Wolsey secured a Papal Bull allowing him to reform the monasteries. Thomas Cromwell was chosen to be Wolsey’s agent and it was his job to supress the 29 religious houses chosen by Wolsey. Wolsey then used the proceeds from these closures to benefit his colleges at Ipswich and Oxford.
Papal call for a Crusade
Pope Leo X (Giovanni de Medici) wanted a new Crusade against the Ottoman Empire. He sent Legates a Latere to England, France, Germany and Spain. He proposed a five year truce between the European leaders.
April 1518
Request for Wolsey to become Legate a Latere
A request was sent to the Pope for Thomas Wolsey to be appointed Papal Legate a Latere so that the Pope’s Legate a Latere, Campeggio, would be met on equal terms.
May 1518
Campeggio reached Calais
The Pope’s Legate a Latere, Cardinal Campeggio, reached Calais. However, he was told that he could not continue to England as there was no one of like-office to receive him. The Pope had no choice but to agree to Wolsey’s request.
29th July 1518
Campeggio reached London
Cardinal Campeggio reached London and presented Wolsey with his new Papal vestments.
Published Feb 17, 2021 @ 3:10 pm – Updated – Dec 7 2024
Harvard Reference for this page:
Heather Y Wheeler. (2021 – 2025). Tudor Church and Religion Chronology – Henry VIII Available: http://www.tudornation.com/tudor-church-and-religion-chronology-henry-viii Last accessed February 27th, 2025