A chronology of Tudor Births, Marriages and Deaths during the reign of King Henry VII
Please Note: This timeline is a work in progress
21st April 1509
Henry VII Died
After a long illness, King Henry VII, aged 52 years, died from tuberculosis at Richmond Palace.
1509 (11th May)
Funeral of King Henry VII
King Henry VII was buried in Westminster Abbey. John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester led the service. Afterwards he was buried next to his wife, Elizabeth of York, in the King Henry VII Chapel in the Abbey.
1509 (early June)
King Henry proposed to Catherine of Aragon
Henry visited Catherine of Aragon in her private chambers and proposed to her. He had been urged to marry Catherine by members of his Privy Council to preserve the treaty with Spain. The marriage would also secure the release of the remainder of Catherine’s dowry.
1509 (11th June)
Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon
Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon in the church of Greenwich Palace. The service was performed in private, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, William Warham. The wedding was a low-key affair because the court remained in mourning following the death of Henry VII.
1509 (29th June)
Margaret Beaufort died
Henry’s grandmother, Margaret Beaufort, died. Before she died she told Henry to listen to the advice of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester.
1509 (August)
Catherine of Aragon pregnant
Catherine of Aragon announced that she was pregnant.
1509 (November)
Catherine Pregnancy
Catherine felt her baby move for the first time.
1510 (31st January)
Stillborn Daughter
Catherine was prematurely delivered of a stillborn daughter. Although Henry and Catherine were disappointed, miscarriage and stillbirth in a first pregnancy was a common occurrence in the sixteenth century.
1510 (May)
Catherine of Aragon Pregnancy
Catherine announced a second pregnancy.
1510 (31st December)
Catherine went into labour
Catherine of Aragon went into labour.
1511 (1st January)
Birth of Prince Henry
Catherine of Aragon was delivered of a son who was named Henry after his father. In celebration guns were fired from the Tower and the city bells were rang. Beacons were lit and free wine was distributed to all Londoners. The infant prince was immediately created Prince of Wales.
6th January 1511
Prince Henry Christened
Prince Henry was christened at Richmond. His godparents were the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Earl of Surrey and the Countess of Devon.
22nd February 1511
Death of Prince Henry
Prince Henry died at Richmond Palace. Both King and Queen were deeply upset.
after 22nd February 1511
Funeral of Prince Henry
Prince Henry was given a lavish funeral and buried in Westminster Abbey.
Autumn 1511
Jane More died
Jane More, the 23 year old wife of Thomas More, died. She left her husband with four young children to care for.
late October 1511
Thomas More Remarried
Thomas More married Alice Middleton, a widow with a daughter. His reasoning for making such a hasty re-marriage was that he needed a mother for his four young children.
during 1512
Birth of Katherine Parr
Katherine Maud Parr was born to Sir Thomas and Lady Maud Parr.
during 1512
Birth of Katherine Parr
Katherine Maud Parr was born to Sir Thomas and Lady Maud Parr.
25th April 1513
Death of Edward Howard
Lord Admiral, Edward Howard decided to attack the French fleet at Brest a second time. He managed to grapple his ship with that of the French commander, Pregent de Bidoux, and boarded the French vessel. Unfortunately, the French ship broke free leaving Howard stranded. The French threw him overboard and he drowned due to the weight of his armour.
17th September 1513
Catherine premature birth
Catherine of Aragon went into labour prematurely. She was delivered of a son who died shortly after birth.
30th April 1514
Birth of Alexander Duke of Ross
Henry VIII’s widowed sister, Margaret, gave birth to a son, Alexander. He was created Duke of Ross.
June 1514
Catherine Pregnant
Catherine of Aragon announced her fourth pregnancy.
6th August 1514
Margaret Tudor married Archibald Douglas
Henry’s widowed sister, Margaret Tudor, married the 19 year old Earl of Angus, Archibald Douglas. Although the marriage gained her the support of the powerful Douglas family, she lost the support of many other Scottish nobles who felt that, by marrying, she had automatically forfeited her right to be regent for her son.
13th August 1514
Mary Tudor and Louis XII married by proxy
Mary Tudor and Louis XII were married by proxy with ceremonies taking place in London and Paris. In London, the Duke of Longueville stood as proxy for the French kiing while in Paris the Earl of Worcester stood as proxy for Mary.
9th October 1514
Marriage of Mary Tudor to Louis XII of France
King Louis XII of France and Princess Mary Tudor were married at Abbeville, France. The marriage was followed by feasting and tournaments.
November 1514
Catherine Stillbirth
Catherine of Aragon was delivered of a stillborn son.
31st December 1514
Louis XII Died
King Louis XII was taken ill early in December 1514 and died on 31st. It was rumoured that his young bride had worn him out. As soon as it became clear the French King was dying, Wolsey had written to Mary warning her not to commit herself to any other person without King Henry’s permission.
Mid February 1515
Mary and Charles Brandon secretly married
Henry’s sister Mary and Charles Brandon secretly married in Paris. When Henry learned of the marriage he was furious.
Summer 1515
Catherine of Aragon Pregnant
Catherine of Aragon announced her fifth pregnancy. However, less hope was placed on it than before.
18th December 1515
Death of Alexander Duke of Ross
The son of Margaret Tudor – Alexander, Duke of Ross, aged 20 months died.
23rd January 1516
Ferdinand of Aragon died
Catherine of Aragon’s father, Ferdinand, died. He was succeeded as King of Spain by his grandson, Charles of Castile and Burgundy. Charles was now ruler of Spain, Naples, Sicily, lands in the New World and the Netherlands.
18th February 1516
Birth of Princess Mary
Catherine of Aragon was delivered of a healthy baby girl. She was named Mary. Although there were celebrations to mark the birth of a healthy child, there was disappointment that the child was not a boy.
20th February 1516
Princess Mary Christened
Princess Mary was christened in the Chapel of Observant Friars at Greenwich Palace. Her godparents were the Countess of Surrey, Catherine, Duchess of Norfolk and Cardinal Wolsey.
11th March 1516
Birth of Henry Brandon
A son, Henry, was born to Charles Brandon and Henry VIII’s sister Mary.
5th June 1516
Marriage of Maria de Salinas
Catherine of Aragon’s Maid of Honour and close friend, Maria de Salinas, married William, Lord Willoughby. The marriage meant that she left Catherine’s service, but the two remained close friends.
11th November 1517
Thomas Parr died
Thomas Parr, father of Katherine Parr, died.
February 1518
Catherine of Aragon Pregnant
Catherine of Aragon announced her sixth pregnancy.
Autumn 1518
Bessie Blount Pregnant
King Henry VIII’s mistress, Elizabeth Blount, one of the Queen’s ladies in waiting, became Pregnant.
5th October 1518
Princess Mary and the Dauphin, Henri Betrothed
In the presence of the Papal Legates, Cardinal Campeggio and Cardinal Wolsey, two year old Princess Mary was formally betrothed to Henri, Dauphin of France in the Queen’s chambers at Greenwich. Admiral Bonnivet acted as proxy for the Dauphin and placed a small gold ring on Mary’s finger.
10th November 1518
Catherine of Aragon Stillbirth
Catherine of Aragon was delivered of a daughter, but she was very weak and died soon after birth.
During 1519
Margaret Tudor marriage situation
King Henry VIII’s sister, Margaret, wanted to divorce her second husband Archibald Douglas. She wrote to Henry asking for his support but he refused and instead sent cleric Henry Chadworth to try to effect a reconciliation between the pair.
12th January 1519
Emperor Maximillian died
Maximilian, ruler of the Habsburg Empire and Holy Roman Emperor, died. His grandson, Charles I of Spain inherited the Habsburg Empire and an election was announced for Holy Roman Emperor. Charles, Francis I of France and Henry VIII all put themselves forward for election.
15th June 1519
Birth of Henry Fitzroy
Henry’s mistress, Bessie Blount, was delivered of a son who was named Henry Fitzroy. Henry was overjoyed by the birth of a son since it proved that he could father sons and that his lack of a male heir was not his fault.
16th September 1519
John Colet died
John Colet, Dean of St Paul’s died.
Published Feb 17, 2021 @ 3:28 pm – Updated – Dec 7 2024
Harvard Reference for this page:
Heather Y Wheeler. (2021 – 2025). Tudor Births Marriages and Deaths Chronology – Henry VIII Available: http://www.tudornation.com/tudor-births-marriages-and-deaths-chronology-henry-viii Last accessed March 26th, 2025