Princess Elizabeth Tudor 1492 – 1495


Princess Elizabeth Tudor was born on 2nd July 1492 at Sheen Palace in Surrey. Henry VII later rebuilt Sheen Palace and named it Richmond Palace. She was the fourth child of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York and their second daughter. 


Family of Henry VII
The family of Henry VII painted by unknown artist c. 1505

Princess Elizabeth spent her life in the royal nursery with Prince Henry, born 1491, and Princess Margaret, born 1489. Her eldest brother, Prince Arthur, had his own household because he was heir to the throne. 

When Elizabeth was three years old, in 1495, Henry VII began negotiating a treaty with France for her to marry the dauphin, Francis.

On 14th September 1495 Princess Elizabeth Tudor died at Eltham Palace. The cause of her death is not known but is believed to have been quite sudden. It may have been that she contracted one of the childhood diseases like measles or she may have had an accident. 

Princess Elizabeth Tudor was buried in a tomb in Westminster Abbey on 27th September 1495.


Published Dec 07 2021 @ 1:45 pm – Updated – Dec 08 2024

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2021 – 2025). Elizabeth Tudor 1492 – 1495 Available: Last accessed February 26th, 2025