Henry VIII Chronology – What Happened in 1519?

King Henry VIII - 1519 Chronology

A detailed chronology of the main events that happened in 1519 during the reign of King Henry VIII, showing dates, events and details

Events are coded:
 Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths births marriages and deaths
Trials, Imprisonments and Executions trials and executions 
Wars, Battles and Rebellions Conflicts
Education, Art, Travel, Health and Culture Culture
Property and Possessions Property and Possessions
Titles and Appointments Titles
Acts of Parliament Acts of Parliament
Treaties and oaths treaties
Church and Religion Religion


During 1519
Margaret Tudor marriage situation
King Henry VIII’s sister, Margaret Tudor, wanted to divorce her second husband Archibald Douglas. She wrote to Henry asking for his support but he refused and instead sent cleric Henry Chadworth to try to effect a reconciliation between the pair.
During 1519
William Carey – Gentleman of the Privy Chamber
William Carey, a descendant of the Beaufort family was appointed a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber.
During 1519
Greek department at Oxford University
Thomas Wolsey established a Greek department at Oxford University. Although the language had been taught at times in the past, this was the first time it had been properly established.
During 1519
Greenwich Palace extension
A new wing was added to Greenwich Palace. The second floor of this extension housed a new library with 329 books. The books were not kept on shelves but were housed in desks or placed on lecterns.
12th January 1519
Emperor Maximillian died
Maximilian, ruler of the Habsburg Empire and Holy Roman Emperor, died. His grandson, Charles I of Spain inherited the Habsburg Empire and an election was announced for Holy Roman Emperor. Charles, Francis I of France and Henry VIII all put themselves forward for election.
15th June 1519
Birth of Henry Fitzroy
Henry’s mistress, Bessie Blount, was delivered of a son who was named Henry Fitzroy. Henry was overjoyed by the birth of a son since it proved that he could father sons and that his lack of a male heir was not his fault.
28th June 1519
Holy Roman Emperor Elections
Charles I of Spain was elected Holy Roman Emperor by the electors of Germany in Frankfurt. He was thereafter known as Emperor Charles V and ruled over the German States, the Habsburg Empire, Burgundy and Spain. He also held land in Italy and the New World.
Autumn 1519
Anglo-French Summit proposed
Following the election of Charles as Holy Roman Emperor, England and France were united in their fear of Charles’s great power. It was proposed that a summit meeting between Francis and Henry be held. It was agreed that English and French representatives would make the arrangements, overseen by Thomas Wolsey who would make final decisions.
16th September 1519
John Colet died
John Colet, Dean of St Paul’s died.
Late 1519
Princess Mary’s Household
Princess Mary’s household was re-organised. Her Treasurer Richard Sydnor, Chaplain Henry Rowle and nurse Catherine Pole remained in place. Three rockers were promoted to Gentlewomen of the Chamber and six gentlemen, nine valets and four grooms were added to her household. Beatrice Rice, wife of David ap Rice, a newly appointed groom, became Mary’s laundress.


Published Nov 07, 2024 @ 10:40 am – Updated – Nov 07 2024

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2024 – 2025). Henry VIII Chronology – What happened in 1519? Available: https://www.tudornation.com/henry-viii-chronology-what-happened-in-1519 Last accessed March 20th, 2025