A detailed chronology of the main events that happened in 1518 during the reign of King Henry VIII, showing dates, events and details
Events are coded:
Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths
Trials, Imprisonments and Executions
Wars, Battles and Rebellions
Education, Art, Travel, Health and Culture
Property and Possessions
Titles and Appointments
Acts of Parliament
Treaties and oaths
Church and Religion
Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths

Trials, Imprisonments and Executions

Wars, Battles and Rebellions

Education, Art, Travel, Health and Culture

Property and Possessions

Titles and Appointments

Acts of Parliament

Treaties and oaths

Church and Religion

During 1518
Monastic Reform
Thomas Wolsey secured a Papal Bull allowing him to reform the monasteries. Thomas Cromwell was chosen to be Wolsey’s agent and it was his job to supress the 29 religious houses chosen by Wolsey. Wolsey then used the proceeds from these closures to benefit his colleges at Ipswich and Oxford.
During 1518
Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber
This post was created to allow a number of young noblemen more private access to King Henry VIII. Those chosen for this post became Henry’s close friends and generally shared his love of sports.
During 1518
College of Physicians
Thomas Linacre founded the College of Physicians. It issued licenses to all medical practitioners and attempted to stop unqualified quacks from treating sick people.
During 1518
Thomas More Privy Council
Thomas More became a member of the Privy Council.
During 1518
Thomas Boleyn Ambassador to France
Thomas Boleyn was appointed English ambassador to the French court.
Early 1518
England and France
Peace negotiations had broken down in November 1517 and with the beginning of spring the English feared a French attack. The towns of Calais and Tournai were instructed to strengthen their defences.
February 1518
Catherine of Aragon Pregnant
Catherine of Aragon announced her sixth pregnancy.
Early March 1518
Sweating Sickness
The court moved to Abingdon, Oxford to avoid an outbreak of sweating sickness in London.
March 1518
Catherine visited Merton College
Catherine of Aragon paid a visit to Merton College Oxford. She took a great interest in education and contributed funds to educational establishments. She was well received by the Masters and students at Merton.
March 1518
Papal call for a Crusade
Pope Leo X (Giovanni de Medici) wanted a new Crusade against the Ottoman Empire. He sent Legates a Latere to England, France, Germany and Spain. He proposed a five year truce between the European leaders to enable them to fully commit to the Crusade.
April 1518
England and France
Peace negotiations were re-opened between England and France.
April 1518
Request for Wolsey to become Legate a Latere
A request was sent to the Pope for Thomas Wolsey to be appointed Papal Legate a Latere so that the Pope’s Legate a Latere, Campeggio, would be met on equal terms.
May 1518
Campeggio reached Calais
The Pope’s Legate a Latere, Cardinal Campeggio, reached Calais. However, he was told that he could not continue to England as there was no one of like-office to receive him.
17th May 1518
Wolsey Legate a Latere
The Pope determined that Thomas Wolsey could be temporarily given the status of Legate a Latere so that he could receive Campeggio.
July 1518
Thomas More Secretary to the King
Thomas More gave up his post as Under-Sheriff of London and discontinued his law practice in order to devote his time to his new role as Secretary to the King.
29th July 1518
Campeggio reached London
Cardinal Campeggio reached London and presented Wolsey with his new Papal vestments.
24th September 1518
French Ambassadors arrived in England
Bonnivet, the Admiral of France, and the Bishop of Paris arrived in England to discuss peace terms. They were accompanied by a huge entourage that included 600 horsemen.
30th September 1518
England and France Return of Tournai
A Peace agreement was reached between England and France. Tournai was to be returned to France in return for a payment of 600,000 crowns for the city and 400,000 crowns for the castle that Henry built in the city. Wolsey agreed to give up his bishopric of Tournai in return for a pension from the French King.
Autumn 1518
Bessie Blount Pregnant
King Henry VIII’s mistress, Elizabeth (Bessie) Blount, one of the Queen’s ladies in waiting, became Pregnant.
3rd October 1518
Treaty of London / Universal Peace
The Treaty of London, also known as the Universal Peace, provided for the signatories of the treaty to live in peace and to not invade the others’ territories. No country was to harbour the others’ enemies and all requests for rebels to be handed over were to be complied with. It was also a treaty of mutual defence and any aggressor refusing to curb activities would find themselves at war with the other signatories. The treaty also reaffirmed the return to Tournai to France as per the provisions of the peace between England and France. The treaty was initially signed by England and France but ultimately was signed by most European powers including the Pope, Maximillian Holy Roman Emperor, Charles of Spain, as well as the leaders of Denmark, Scotland, Portugal, Hungary, the Italian States and the Swiss Confederation.
4th October 1518
England & France Marriage Treaty
English and French negotiators agreed terms for the marriage of Francis I’s son, Henri and Princess Mary. The couple would wed when Henry turned fourteen years.
5th October 1518
Princess Mary and the Dauphin, Henri Betrothed
In the presence of the Papal Legates, Cardinal Campeggio and Cardinal Wolsey, two year old Princess Mary was formally betrothed to Henri, Dauphin of France in the Queen’s chambers at Greenwich. Admiral Bonnivet acted as proxy for the Dauphin and placed a small gold ring on Mary’s finger.
7th October 1518
Celebrations for the Universal Peace
A tournament was held to celebrate the signing of the Treaty of London and the betrothal of Princess Mary to the Dauphin. The tournament was followed by a Supper Party during which a pageant was performed depicting Christian crusaders defeating the Turks.
10th November 1518
Catherine of Aragon Stillbirth
Catherine of Aragon was delivered of a daughter, but she was very weak and died soon after birth.
Published September 03, 2024 @ 1:35 pm – Updated – Nov 07 2024
Harvard Reference for this page:
Heather Y Wheeler. (2024 – 2025). Henry VIII Chronology – What happened in 1518? Available: http://www.tudornation.com/henry-viii-chronology-what-happened-in-1518 Last accessed March 17th, 2025