A detailed chronology of the main events that happened in 1511 during the reign of King Henry VIII, showing dates, events and details
Events are coded:
Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths
Trials, Imprisonments and Executions
Wars, Battles and Rebellions
Education, Art, Travel and Culture
Property and Possessions
Titles and Appointments
Acts of Parliament
Treaties and oaths
Church and Religion
Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths

Trials, Imprisonments and Executions

Wars, Battles and Rebellions

Education, Art, Travel and Culture

Property and Possessions

Titles and Appointments

Acts of Parliament

Treaties and oaths

Church and Religion

during 1511
Archery Law
An act was passed which stated that all able-bodied men under the age of 60 years were to keep bows and arrows in their houses and they were to regularly practice with the longbow.
1511 (1st January)
Birth of Prince Henry
Catherine of Aragon was delivered of a son who was named Henry after his father. In celebration guns were fired from the Tower and the city bells were rang. Beacons were lit and free wine was distributed to all Londoners. The infant prince was immediately created Prince of Wales.
6th January 1511
Prince Henry Christened
Prince Henry was christened at Richmond. His godparents were the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Earl of Surrey and the Countess of Devon.
Mid January 1511
King Henry gave thanks
Henry visited the shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham to give thanks for the birth of his son and heir.
Mid January 1511
The royal court moved to the Palace of Westminster where banquets and tournaments were held to celebrate the Prince’s birth. The prince remained at Richmond in the care of his nursemaids.
22nd February 1511
Death of Prince Henry
Prince Henry died at Richmond Palace. Both King and Queen were deeply upset.
after 22nd February 1511
Funeral of Prince Henry
Prince Henry was given a lavish funeral and buried in Westminster Abbey.
Spring 1511
French campaign planned
King Henry VIII remained deeply upset by the death of his infant son. To hide his grief he began planning a campaign in France.
early March 1511
Lollards Executed
A group of Lollards (protestors against overindulgences in the Catholic Church) were found guilty of heresy by Archbishop William Warham. The five men were executed by burning at the stake.
May 1511
Naval force sent to Spain
A small naval force commanded by Lord D’Arcy was sent to Spain to assist Ferdinand in his fight against the Moors. However, when by the time they arrived Ferdinand had made peace with the Moors and they sailed for home.
July 1511
Armed force to the Netherlands
A force of around 1,500 men commanded by Sir Edward Poynings was sent to support Margaret, Regent of the Netherlands, who was under attack by the Duke of Guelders.
August 1511
Scottish Piracy
Andrew Barton, a Scottish sailor whose father’s ship had been taken by the Portuguese, was given a signed authorisation by King James IV, to take merchandise from Portuguese ships until he had recovered his losses.
Henry VIII was very concerned that this would adversely affect trade because foreign ships would be reluctant to sail into British waters. He sent Thomas and Edward Howard in pursuit of Barton. Barton was killed and his two ships were taken.
When James IV heard the news he sent a letter of grievance to the English king.
Henry VIII was very concerned that this would adversely affect trade because foreign ships would be reluctant to sail into British waters. He sent Thomas and Edward Howard in pursuit of Barton. Barton was killed and his two ships were taken.
When James IV heard the news he sent a letter of grievance to the English king.
Autumn 1511
Progress of England
Henry VIII and Catherine went on a progress of England.
Autumn 1511
Thomas Wolsey joined the King’s Council.
Thomas Wolsey became a member of the King’s council. Henry was impressed with the way that he handled governmental matters quickly and efficiently.
Autumn 1511
War with France
It was no secret that Henry modelled himself on King Henry V and, like his predecessor, dreamed to becoming King of France. Ferdinand of Spain encouraged Henry knowing that if Henry invaded and defeated France he would not have to and it would save him the money and men.
Autumn 1511
Jane More died
Jane More, the 23 year old wife of Thomas More, died. She left her husband with four young children to care for.
October 1511
Erasmus in England
The Humanist scholar Desiderius Erasmus visited London. He stayed in the home of Thomas More.
5th October 1511
Holy League
This League was formed by The Pope, Venice and Spain, all of whom wished to remove the French from Italy. The aims of the League were:
to protect the church
to recover Bologna from the French
to restore to Venice all her conquered territories.
A clause was included in the treaty which gave Papal backing to all Spanish conquests outside Italy.
to protect the church
to recover Bologna from the French
to restore to Venice all her conquered territories.
A clause was included in the treaty which gave Papal backing to all Spanish conquests outside Italy.
late October 1511
Thomas More Remarried
Thomas More married Alice Middleton, a widow with a daughter. His reasoning for making such a hasty re-marriage was that he needed a mother for his four young children.
13th November 1511
Holy League
Henry VIII joined the Holy League of Spain, Venice and the Pope. He hoped this move would help him to conquer lands in France.
17th November 1511
Treaty of Westminster
This was signed by Henry VIII and Ferdinand of Spain. The Treaty agreed that both England and Spain would attack France before the end of April 1512. Ferdinand would attack the French in Italy while Henry would invade northern France. A joint Anglo-Spanish force would also attack Aquitaine, a former English vassal state.
December 1511
Conflict with Scotland
King James IV of Scotland was still angry with Henry over the piracy affair. He informed the Pope that the killing of Andrew Barton and the taking of his ships were an act of war on Scotland. As a result the peace between Scotland and England made in 1509 was no longer valid.
Mid December 1511
Conflict with Scotland
Anticipating trouble with Scotland, King Henry VIII recalled the English force commanded by Edward Poynings that had been sent to the Netherlands.
Published Feb 26, 2021 @ 2:20 pm – Updated – Dec 7 2024
Harvard Reference for this page:
Heather Y Wheeler. (2021 – 2025). Henry VIII Chronology – What Happened in 1511? Available: https://www.tudornation.com/henry-viii-chronology-1511 Last accessed March 19th, 2025