Henry VII Chronology – What Happened 1503-1504?

King Henry VII 1503 - 1504 

A chronology of the main events that happened 1503 – 1504 during the reign of King Henry VII showing dates, events and details.

Events are coded:
 Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths births marriages and deaths
Trials, Imprisonments and Executions trials and executions 
Wars, Battles and Rebellions Conflicts
Education, Art, Travel and Culture Culture
Property and Possessions Property and Possessions
Titles and Appointments Titles
Acts of Parliament Acts of Parliament
Treaties and oaths treaties
Church and Religion Religion


Birth of Thomas Wyatt Sr
A son, Thomas, was born to Sir Henry Wyatt and his wife Anne at Allington, Kent.
January 1503
Court to Tower of London
The court moved to the Tower of London where Queen Elizabeth prepared for the birth of her seventh child.
24th January 1503
Chapel at Westminster Abbey
Construction began on Henry VII’s Chapel at Westminster Abbey.
2nd February 1503
Birth of Princess Katherine
A daughter, Katherine, was born to Queen Elizabeth and Henry VII at the Tower of London.
11th February 1503
Death of Elizabeth of York
Queen Elizabeth died from complications following the birth of her daughter, Katherine.
12th February 1503
Death of Princess Katherine
Princess Katherine died.
24th February 1503
Elizabeth of York Funeral
The body of Queen Elizabeth had been embalmed and placed in a lead-lined coffin. The coffin was then drawn through the streets in procession to Westminster Abbey where it lay in state before burial.
Late February 1503
Thomas Wolsey Chaplain to Governor of Calais
Thomas Wolsey, who had been Chaplain to Henry Deane, was appointed Chaplain to the Governor of Calais, Sir Richard Nanfan.
Spring 1503
Henry VII Remarriage
With only one surviving male heir, Henry knew that the Tudor line was not secure. He therefore began to think of remarrying. His first choice was Arthur’s widow, Catherine of Aragon, who was in good health and looked strong enough to bear sons. Her dowry was settled and Henry thought that the Spanish sovereigns would approve the match.
23rd June 1503
Marriage Treaty: Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain had not been in favour of their daughter marrying Henry VII and had pressed for her to be married to Prince Henry instead. This new treaty declared that providing the necessary dispensation was granted by the Pope the marriage would go ahead in two years when Prince Henry reached the age of fourteen. In addition to the dowry payment already made, Ferdinand and Isabella agreed to pay a further 100,000 crowns. Catherine of Aragon was to give up all claims to the first dowry payment and also to her widow’s pension on the understanding that once married she would receive an equivalent revenue.
25th June 1503
Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon Betrothed
Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon were formally betrothed by the Bishop of Salisbury.
Summer 1503
Henry VII possible remarriage
Isabella of Spain, who wanted to strengthen the relationship between England and Spain, offered the hand of her niece, Joan, Queen of Naples, to Henry VII.
Summer 1503
Henry VII possible remarriage
Louis XII had heard that Henry VII was considering remarriage and offered Henry the hand of his niece, Germaine de Foix.
8th July 1503
Princess Margaret left England for Scotland
Princess Margaret aged 14 years began her journey north to Scotland to marry 29 year old King James IV.
7th August 1503
Princess Margaret reached Edinburgh
Princess Margaret made formal entry to Edinburgh riding pillion behind her future husband.
8th August 1503
Princess Margaret married James IV of Scotland
Princess Margaret married James IV of Scotland in the monastery of Holyrood House.
19th November 1503
William Warham Archbishop of Canterbury
William Warham, Bishop of London, became Archbishop of Canterbury.
26th December 1503
Marriage of Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon
The Pope granted the necessary dispensation allowing the marriage of Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon.
Thomas More Member of Parliament
Thomas More was elected to parliament as a Burgess representing London.
Henry VII asked for taxation
Henry VII asked parliament for a tax of three fifteenths to help pay for the expenses incurred by the marriage of Princess Margaret and the knighthood of Prince Arthur in 1489. Henry hoped to raise £90,000 by the tax. Thomas More spoke against the move and the Commons voted against so large a tax and it was halved.
The shilling introduced
A new coin, the shilling, was introduced to the Tudor monetary system. It was made from silver and was worth twelve pennies.
Retainers Act
An act was passed that required all noblemen who kept retainers to submit a list of their names to the king and to obtain a license for them.
21st January 1504
William Warham Chancellor
William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, was appointed Chancellor.
29th January 1504
Edmund Dudley Speaker
Edmund Dudley, representing Staffordshire in Parliament, became Speaker of the Commons.
18th February 1504
Prince Henry, Prince of Wales
Prince Henry was formally created Prince of Wales.
March 1504
Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon marriage treaty
Henry VII ratified the marriage treaty for the marriage of Prince Henry to Catherine of Aragon. However, he continued to delay the actual marriage ceremony. Many clerics including the Archbishop of Canterbury objected to the marriage and doubted that the Pope had the power to grant the dispensation.
Summer 1504
Catherine was taken ill
Catherine of Aragon was taken ill with a mystery illness which kept her confined to bed for much of the summer. She was subject to fits of fever and shivering and at times it was feared she would die.
2nd August 1504
Bishop of London
William Barnes was appointed Bishop of London.


Published 2020 – Updated – Nov 25 2024

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2020 – 2025). Henry VII Chronology – What Happened 1503 – 1504? Available: https://www.tudornation.com/henry-vii-chronology-1503-1504 Last accessed February 17th, 2025