Henry VII Chronology – What Happened 1495-1496?

King Henry VII 1495 - 1496 

A chronology for the years 1495 and 1496 for Henry VII’s reign showing dates, events and details.

Events are coded:
 Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths births marriages and deaths
Trials, Imprisonments and Executions trials and executions 
Wars, Battles and Rebellions Conflicts
Education, Art, Travel and Culture Culture
Property and Possessions Property and Possessions
Titles and Appointments Titles
Acts of Parliament Acts of Parliament
Treaties and oaths treaties
Church and Religion Religion


Justices of the Peace
Justices of the peace were given the authority to try a large number of minor offences. Previously they had to wait for  the case to be formally presented to a grand jury.
Working Hours
An act was passed that regulated working hours for labourers. In winter months they would work from sunrise to sunset, in summer months they would work from 5am to 8pm.
John Fisher Confessor to Margaret Beaufort
Lady Margaret Beaufort, the King’s mother, appointed John Fisher, Master of Michaelhouse, Cambridge, to be her confessor.
16th February 1495
William Stanley Executed
Sir William Stanley, a Yorkist who had changed sides and fought for Henry VII at the Battle of Bosworth Field, was found guilty of treason for supporting the claim to the throne of Perkin Warbeck and executed by beheading at the Tower of London.
17th May 1495
Prince Henry titled
Prince Henry was made a Knight of the Garter
31st May 1495
Cecily Neville died
Cecily Neville, the mother of both Edward IV and Richard III, died.
25th June 1495
Henry VII Progress
Henry VII left London to make a progress (royal tour/holiday) to Lancashire. During the tour he visited his mother Lady Margaret Beaufort.
July 1495
Prince Henry Education
Prince Henry began his formal education. The Poet Laureate, John Skelton, was appointed his tutor. Henry was taught to speak and write both Latin and French and taught a basic knowledge of Italian and Spanish. His lessons also included coaching in deportment and how to behave on formal occasions.
3rd July 1495
Perkin Warbeck
Pretender Perkin Warbeck had mustered enough men to fill 14 ships, approximately 2,500 and anchored his ships off the coast of Deal in Kent. He sent a number of men to land in order to find out what support he could expect. Those that landed were captured by the Sheriff of Kent. Warbeck decided against an invasion and sailed to Ireland.
23rd July 1495
Perkin Warbeck
Perkin Warbeck landed at Waterford in southern Ireland. There he lay siege to the traditionally Royalist city of Waterford.
3rd August 1495
Perkin Warbeck
Warbeck abandoned the siege of Waterford and went to the city of Cork.
14th September 1495
Death of Princess Elizabeth
Henry VII’s youngest daughter, Princess Elizabeth, died of atrophy at Eltham Palace.
27th September 1495
Funeral of Princess Elizabeth
Princess Elizabeth was buried in a tomb in Westminster Abbey.
17th October 1495
Speaker of the Commons
Robert Drury, representing Sussex in Parliament, was elected Speaker of the Commons.
27th November 1495
Perkin Warbeck
Perkin Warbeck landed in Scotland. He was given a state welcome by the Scottish King James IV.
21st December 1495
Jasper Tudor died
Henry VII’s uncle, Jasper Tudor, died.
Thomas More Lincoln’s Inn
Thomas More entered Lincoln’s Inn as part of his legal training.
Portsmouth Dry Dock
The first dry dock in the World was built at Portsmouth. This would enable ships to be built in the port.
1st January 1496
Lord Deputy of Ireland
Henry Deane became the Lord Deputy of Ireland.
early 1496
Perkin Warbeck
Perkin Warbeck married Lady Catherine Gordon, daughter of a Scottish nobleman.
24th February 1496
Intercursus Magnus
This was a treaty between England and the Netherlands. It was negotiated by Richard Foxe and provided for a renewal of trade between the two countries and agreed customs duties. A clause was added to the treaty which stated that neither country was to aid the other’s rebels and it was agreed that if Margaret of Burgundy continued to give aid to Henry’s enemies (namely Perkin Warbeck) then Philip of Burgundy would take action.
5th March 1496
The explorer John Cabot was granted letters patent that allowed him to sail five ships under the English flag to discover new lands. On his return to England he was to pay the King one fifth of all profits from his venture.
18th March 1496
Birth of Princess Mary
A daughter, Mary was born to Henry VII and Elizabeth of York at Richmond Palace.
12th June 1496
Cambridge University
Jesus College, Cambridge was founded.
Summer 1496
England and the Netherlands
Henry quarrelled with Philip of Burgundy after he disregarded the terms of Intercursus Magnus and placed an import duty on cloth.
July 1496
Holy League of Venice
England joined the Holy League of Venice. The League of Venice had been set up in March 1495 in response to the French invasion of the Italian States. The League united the Papal States, Venice, Naples, Spain, Milan, the Holy Roman Empire, Florence, Mantua and now England against France.
6th August 1496
Lord Deputy of Ireland
Gerald, 8th Earl of Kildare, was made Lord Deputy of Ireland.
21st September 1496
Perkin Warbeck
James IV of Scotland crossed the border with a large army in support of Perkin Warbeck. James urged the northern counties of England to rise against Henry VII but got little support.
25th September 1496
Perkin Warbeck
James IV’s army in support of Perkin Warbeck returned to Scotland having failed to instigate an uprising in the North of England. They mounted a raiding expedition on the way back to Scotland.
Autumn 1496
Marriage Treaty Offered
Henry did not want war with Scotland and he also wanted James IV to withdraw his support from Perkin Warbeck. He therefore offered the Scottish King the hand of his daughter, Margaret.
1st October 1496
Prince Arthur Marriage Treaty
A new treaty was drawn up for the marriage of Prince Arthur to Catherine of Aragon.


Published 2020 – Updated – Nov 25 2024

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2020 – 2025). Henry VII Chronology – What Happened 1495 – 1496? Available: https://www.tudornation.com/henry-vii-chronology-1495-1496 Last accessed March 20th, 2025